Club Modellismo Plastico Ravenna
The C. M. P. R. (Club Modellismo Plastico Ravenna), association noprofit without pursuing political or commercial interests, is a modellers association founded in Ravenna on 1971. The unique purpose of the association is increasing the hobby of modelling, paying particular attention to young people with the intention of stimulating the manual, the flavor of historical research and the pleasure of socializing. The Club is opened to the fans of the several model branches (aircraft, military, soldiers, cars, ships, fantasy, etc.); anyone can join, pledging to meet the objectives of the Club and, from 2013, without payment of any fee because, as of that date, will cease publication of the newsletter modeling.. Each shareholder is entitled to participate in exhibitions and events organized by the Club; to receive discounts on material modeling at the affiliated company; to update the website with articles, photos, reviews; may require publication of announcements of modelling. The official Club internet site (www. is updated by the modellers of Bari’s Department. It allows to discover CMPR to all the navigators and to provide a quick exchange of information and news among the departments, even among members from different countries. The club organization is very simple and informal because the association is a group of modellers and friends with the same rights and dignity.Everyone should assure his contribute according to his ability and possibilities. Each department in the national territory has a wide autonomy. The headquarter of the association is based in Ravenna where are located the photographic archives of the Club and the financial management. Ravenna has the task to coordinate the Italian departments. The CMPR organizes exhibitions and events, visits to military museums and bases, modelling courses for the younger modellers etc. It encourages however the members to participate also to the exhibitions organized by other modellers Associations. These activities are made absolutely without competition because we must not to forget that our passion is an hobby. To join the Club, you can use the form supplementing it with the required data and send it by email to the following address: Form to registration at C.M.P.R. PERSONAL DATA Name and surname __________________________________ Date of birth ____________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Zip code______City_____________Country_______ Telephone nr_______________________ Email__________________ MODELLING NEWS Modelling sector______________________ Favorite historical period_____________________ Scale ______________________ The undersigned, hereby declare, under Articles. 20 & 22 Italian Law 675/96, to give consent to the processing of sensitive data by the CMPR for the exchange of information with interested members and as connected with the hobby of model. Date _______________ Signature _________________________ Please note that Club membership, from 2013, is FREE.